Are Clinicians Clear or Hazy on the Risks when it comes to collaborating with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Scribes?
A.I. Scribe Answers
What is an A.I. Scribe?
An Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Scribe uses A.I. technology to summarize and capture conversations with consenting patients and turn it into a note, saving admin time for doctors.
Are A.I. Scribes different than dictation software?
An A.I. scribe is more than just a dictation of the conversation. It is like other new and emerging A.I. tech designed to be a thinking, brain similar to Chat GPT. It does more than just summarize and structure notes for Electronic Medical Records, but it can provide suggestions on patient care and more.
Have A.I. Scribes been tested and approved in Ontario?
A pilot evaluation took place in 2024 where 150 Doctor's and Nurse Practitioners across Ontario reported 70 to 90 % spent less time on paperwork
Source Ontario MD
Is a mass deployment of A.I. scribes happening in March 2025 in Ontario?
While some Doctors and Nurse Practitioners are using A.I. Scribes currently, a scaled and vetted vendor procurement launch is scheduled by the Ontario Government for March 2025.
This will allow Primary Care Clinicians to access qualified vendors offering A.I. scribes.
Source Ontario MD
Do Doctors and Nurse Practitioners need patient consent to use A.I. Scribes in their patient care? Is there a risk of liability? Can patients change their minds?
Yes. Permission is required from patients Yes. and there is a liability risk. Yes patients can change their mind at any time and retract permission.
"Valid consent ensures patients are fully informed about how their health data will be used, stored, and processed by AI scribe systems. AI scribe tools assist physicians by helping to document patient encounters.
Without clear patient approval, using such technology risks violating privacy laws under the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), which mandates transparency and accountability in handling personal health data."
Source Ontario MD
Is A.I. Scribe Answers an independent education and training company?
Yes. A.I. Scribe Answers is an independent training and education company focusing on patient health equity, and physician tech literacy. It is not owned or affiliated with/by any A.I. Scribe Companies or the Ontario MD.
It may however license its content to various parties in the A.I. Scribe space to address or enhance training gaps.
Training is currently not accredited for medical education or professional development credits.
How can A.I. Scribe Answers Help Doctors and Nurse Practitioners get patient consent for A.I. Scribe implementation?
Our aim is to use patient centred training* solutions to help Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and their teams get informedpatient permission for Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Scribe use in Ontario Primary Care. Saving them time, and reducing their liability.
Email: to learn how we can help your Primary Care Team, or scroll down to see our offerings and learn more.
3 A.I. Scribe Training Solutions for Doctors, Nurse Practitioners & their Teams:
Solution 1: Patient facing A.I. Scribe training Videos
Short videos and/or interactive content that can be run either in your Doctor's office or off a patients phone, creating rapid education to help patients make an informed decision.
Solution 2: E-Learning A.I. Scribe Training Modules for Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Assistants
Going beyond the technical training provided by A.I. Scribe vendors, our Modules focus on helping simulate clinician interactions with patients to scenario model which patients are likely to say Yes or No. Save time and reduce risk.
Solution 3- Custom Consulting and Training Options for A.I. Scribe
Vendor liaison
Vendor liaison, selection assistance and contract guidance
Webinars for Doctor/Nurse Practitioner/Staff on A.I. Scribes
Policy and Consent
Policy and Consent creation/evaluation for A.I. Scribe in clinical practice
Community Engagement
Community/Patient/Client Consultation
In-person Workshops for Doctor/Nurse Practitioner/Staff and Medical Teams
Scaling and Adoption
Addressing resistance to change and workflow variabilities in institutions
Human- A.I. Bias Training Evaluation
Scribe simulations to evaluate clinicians learning style compatibility with A.I. Scribe suggestions
The A.I. Scribe Implementation Journey
The Opportunity
A.I. Scribes represent a game-changing technology for Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Primary Care, offering tremendous potential to transform healthcare delivery in Ontario by automating admin tasks.
But it is a new technology and there are legitimate concerns about A.I. privacy in society, especially in healthcare.
The Training Gap
American Private software vendors focus on technical sales and training but overlook the diverse range of patient technology literacies across Ontario's population.
They also can be less informed about Ontario and Canadian Privacy laws beyond the letter of the law.
While helpful information resources are emerging such as the Ontario MD AI Knowledge Zone we need a patient centred approach.
The Solution
Engaging and Informational Patient centred training. Allowing for Clinicians to have a level of confidence that their patients are making an informed consent decision on an emerging technology
Implementing proper patient consent processes and considering technological literacy will reduce liability risks and increase adoption.
"I have not just been a trainer for 20 years. I have also been a patient of Public Healthcare in Ontario for twice that long and I want to help Primary Care Teams with A.I. Scribeimplementation.
I have worked in Adult Instructional Design, Equity, Education Technology, E-Learning, and my latest chapter is now in Health Equity Technology.
The story is that A.I. Scribes have the potential to transform healthcare efficiency in Ontario and Canada. But we need a patient centred approach to help doctors and technology providers integrate the solution at scale."
-Nadir Shirazi M.Ed. Workplace Learning & Social Change Health Equity Educational Technologist Founder AI Scribe Answers
Relevant Experiences
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Health Tech Coordinator- Brantford Brant Norfolk Ontario Health Team
E-Learning and Learning Management Systems Specialist- Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Educational Technologist- Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation, University of Toronto
Masters in Adult Education (M.Ed.)Specialization in Workplace learning and social change- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto (OISE UofT)
Patients have questions about A.I. Scribes…
Let A.I. Scribe Answers be your solution.
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